At the
28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28)
of the United Nations in Dubai, the international goal of curbing climate change was reaffirmed and for the first time directly linked to a fundamental move away from fossil fuels. This necessity, already accepted in most Western countries, requires the prioritization of renewable energy at national level. For federalist Austria, this means that things need to change, especially at state level, and that political and ideological boundaries need to be overcome as quickly as possible.

In addition to the political, legal and bureaucratic framework conditions, the expansion of renewable energy generation also requires sound scientific support and the continuous development of technical expertise. This is where the wind technology cooperation programs of the International Energy Agency, or IEA Wind TCP for short, come in. These offer the opportunity to discuss relevant topics in an international network of research, industry and business, to aggregate national research results at an international level and to derive new findings for all participants.

Issues are currently being addressed in 23 working and focus groups – known as tasks – and practical solutions are being sought in collaboration with research, industry and business. The Energiewerkstatt is divided into two of these 23 working groups and contributed know-how from theory, international practice and projects.

The work of the individual tasks is published annually in the
Austrian Annual Report 2023
on the activities of the IEA Wind Technology Program IEA Wind TCP, the latest edition of which has now been published. Those interested can download it here – enjoy reading!