Planung Wind uai


For new challenges we are looking for reinforcement for our team.

IMG 20201020 144126 825x1100 2 uai

TECHNICIAN (m/f/d) with project management experience

For new challenges we are looking for reinforcement for our team.

Energiewerkstatt Sponsoring OKH Voecklabruck uai

Sponsorship partnership between Energiewerkstatt and the OKH Vöcklabruck

The association Energiewerkstatt is cooperating on a…

Energiewerkstatt 85 Meter Rohrgebirgsmasts Steiermark uai

Energiewerkstatt thanks Windhunter Service for prompt maintenance

The Energiewerkstatt would like to thank its reliable…

1712657575490 higher uai

Congratulations on the 20th anniversary

Thomas Wölfler, one of the two managing directors of…

Energiewerkstatt Beitriebsausflug Schneizlreuth Echt.Posch uai

Sporty company outing for the Energiewerkstatt

On Friday, September 13, the employees of Energiewerkstatt…

Energiewerkstatt Windmessungen VERBUND AG Muehlviertel Rainbach Gruenbach 120 Meter Windmessmast 1 uai

Energiewerkstatt carries out wind measurement for VERBUND AG in the Mühlviertel region

To date, Energiewerkstatt has carried out over 300 wind…

Sommerfest Amnesty Friday Plakat uai

Energiewerkstatt supports Party for Freedom and Future on Friday, July 5

AmnestyYouth Vöcklabruck and Fridays for Future Vöcklabruck…

Energiewerkstatt Claas Rittinghaus dreijaehre Betriebszugehoerigkeit uai

Claas Rittinghaus celebrates three years of service

The managing directors of Energiewerkstatt, Thomas Wölfler…

Energiewerkstatt Grillfest Nussbaum uai

Energiewerkstatt celebrates traditional barbecue

On Friday, June 7, the Energiewerkstatt held its biennial…

Energiewerkstatt Sponsoring Suedwind uai

Energiewerkstatt cooperates with the Südwind association

For 45 years, the Südwind association has been working as a…

Energiewerkstatt Windmessung Oberoesterreich 2024 Windmessung Mast uai

Energiewerkstatt carries out wind measurements in Upper Austria

To date, Energiewerkstatt has carried out over 300 wind…

Energiewerkstatt Winterwind Conference 2024 Claas Rittinghaus uai

The Energiewerkstatt at the Winterwind Conference 2024

From March 18 to 20 the Winterwind Conference 2024 took…

Energiewerkstatt ecowind wuenscht frohe Ostern Matthaeus Witek Thomas Woelfler Bildkomposition uai

ECOWind visits Energiewerkstatt and wishes a happy Easter

Matthäus Witek, Technical Managing Director of ECOwind,…

Energiewerkstatt IEA Task 52 LiDAR Vergleichsmessung uai

LiDAR comparison measurement from the IEA Wind TCP Task 52 put into operation

The Energiewerkstatt commissioned a comparative…

Energiewerkstatt IEA Task 52 LiDAR Vergleichsmessung uai

LiDAR comparison measurement from the IEA Wind TCP Task 52 put into operation

The Energiewerkstatt commissioned a comparative…

Energiewerkstatt Richtlinie der Interessensgemeinschaft Windkraft Oesterreich IGW AdobeStock 288510884 uai

IGW guideline on distances between wind turbines and oil and gas pipelines

The Austrian Wind Energy Interest Group, IGW for short,…

Jahresbericht2023 Stock uai

Austrian Annual Report 2023 on the activities of the IEA Wind Technology Program

At the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference…

Energiewerkstatt Neue Mittelschule Eugendorf MINT

Pupils from NMS Eugendorf visit Energiewerkstatt

As part of the MINT project days - Mathematics, computer…

Energiewerkstatt Team Spende Sozialzentrum Voecklabruck uai

Energiewerkstatt supports the Vöcklabruck social center

The Energiewerkstatt sets another example for the support…

EWS Cover Wide 1 uai

Energiewerkstatt donates defibrillator to the Kleeblatt generation house in Lengau

The Energiewerkstatt supports the Kleeblatt generation…

Energiewerkstatt Jubilaeum Stefan Schoppmann uai

Stefan Schoppmann celebrates five years of service

The managing directors of Energiewerkstatt, Thomas Wölfler…

Energiewerkstatt Andreas Krenn ExCo92 Newsletter upd uai

Newsletter on the IEA Wind Executive Committee Meeting in Hanover published

The 92nd Executive Committee Meeting (ExCo92) of the IEA…

Energiewerkstatt Fahrsicherheitstraining ARBOe Fahrsicherheitszentrum Salzburg Autos uai

Energiewerkstatt invests in the safety of the team

Energiewerkstatt carries out wind measurements throughout…

Energiewerkstatt IEC TS 61400 31 Siting Risk Assessments uai

IEC TS 61400-31 “Siting Risk Assessments” published

With the publication of IEC TS 61400-31 "Siting Risk…

Energiewerkstatt Spende Caritas und Pfarrkirche Heiligenstatt uai

Energiewerkstatt supports charitable organizations

The Energiewerkstatt is working hard on the energy…

Energiewerkstatt Einschulung kubanische Energieversorger Praxis uai

Energiewerkstatt goes Cuba – training Cuban energy suppliers

In a training course organized by Energiewerkstatt, Cuban…

CF 29649

IEC 1906 Award for Alexander Stökl

On the OVE Innovation Day with a focus on "Green Tech"…

Energiewerksatt Studie Windpotential Oesterreich uai

Energiewerkstatt study: Austria’s wind potential with varying degrees of land use

How much clean electricity can we generate in Austria if we…

Energiewerkstatt Claas Rittinghaus IEA Task 54 ETC 2023 uai

IEA Task 54 on “Cold Climate Wind Power” with Austrian participation

At the end of October, members of the IEA Research…

Energiewerkstatt Sponsoring HTL Braunau Diplomarbeit Enhuber Obermayr uai

Energiewerkstatt supports diploma thesis at HTL Braunau

As a sustainable company, we are also aware of our social…

Energiewerkstatt Ehrungen Jubilarinnen

Congratulations on your service anniversary

In times like these, longstanding company affiliations are…

Energiewerkstatt Andreas Krenn ExCo92 srgb uai

Executive Committee Meeting of the IEA Wind in Hanover

The 92nd Executive Committee Meeting (ExCo92) of the IEA…

Energiewerkstatt hoechstgelegene Windmessung Mast 2 Header uai

Austria’s highest wind measurement

The Energiewerkstatt is responsible for Austria's highest…

Energiewerkstatt Betriebsausflug Wachau 2023 uai

No company outing without sustainability

At 5. and October 6, the Energiewerkstatt went on a company…

TitleCoverWindmessungVorarlberg uai

Energiewerkstatt supports diploma project of FH Vorarlberg with measuring equipment

As a sustainable company, Energiewerkstatt is also aware of…

Energiewerkstatt Windmessung Suedosteuropa Header uai

Energiewerkstatt responsible for 120 m wind measurement in Southeast Europe

Energiewerkstatt from Austria is responsible for the wind…

Energiewerkstatt Sponsoring OKH Voecklabruck uai

Energiewerkstatt supports the Open House of Art and Culture Vöcklabruck

The Energiewerkstatt sets an example for the promotion of…

Gruppe EW Pretul e1690358396607 uai

Company outing Pretul

During a joint excursion to the Austrian Federal Forests in…

Energiewerkstatt e. V. Eisfall Gutachten scaled uai

The 100th ice fall report of the Energiewerkstatt

Energiewerkstatt was commissioned by EVN to prepare an…

Energiewerkstatt develops EAG market bonus calculator for wind power plants

The Renewable Expansion Act (EAG) has a target of 27…

Energiewerkstatt Vorarlberg Windkraftpotenzial Dr. Alexander Stoekl 1 uai

Wind energy potential in Vorarlberg – the wind is also shifting in Vorarlberg

Last year, the Vorarlberg state parliament decided to have…


Availability of LiDAR measurements in alpine terrain

The technical availability of LiDAR measurements is a…


Winterwind Conference 2023 in Åre

This year, Energiewerkstatt again participated in the…

Energiewerkstatt Oesterreichischer Jahresbericht IEA Wind TCP Titel uai

Austrian Annual Report 2022 on the Activities of the IEA Wind Technology Program

The past year has made it even clearer to all of us that…

Windmessung_wind measurment_alpine winter

Wind measurement in alpine winter

Wind measurement for wind energy projects at alpine sites…


Energy self-sufficiency for LiDAR measurements with the PowerPackTrailer

The central component for a successful LiDAR measurement…


IEA Wind meets IG Windkraft

The afternoon of IG Windkraft's biannual industry platform…

85 m Windmessung Wind measurement

First wind measurement erected in Albania

For the site assessment of a wind farm project in Albania,…

Eisfallrisiko_Ice Fall Risk Assessment

New version of the International Recommendations for Icefall Risk Assessment

Following the publication of the first version in 2018, the…

Windmessung Wind Measurement

Wind measurement in alpine regions

Wind measurement for wind energy projects at alpine…

Energiewerstatt Windmessung Petzen Ausschnitt uai

Internship / holiday work in the field of wind energy

for pupils and students (m/f/d)

AdobeStock 188909257 uai

Unsolicited application

Whether you are a newcomer or a career changer - we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application.


Winterwind Conference 2022 in Skellefteå

As part of IEA Wind TCP, Energiewerkstatt participated…


New annual report on IEA Wind TCP

The current Austrian annual report on the activities of the…

Eisfallrisiko Ice Fall Risk

International workshop on ice fall risk assessment in Salzburg

On November 4th and 5th, the Energiewerkstatt invited to a…

Lidar Schulung Training

Training on LiDAR measurement with the PowerPackTrailer

Enthusiasm reigned among all participants when the…

IEA Wind Forschungskooperation IEA Wind research collaboration

Extension of IEA research cooperation

In the upcoming work periods of Task 19 and 32 of IEA Wind…


Fewer turbines, increased yield – Successful Repowering in the Capreolus project

In September 2021 the approval notices in the Capreolus…

Windpark Wind Farm

Highest-yield wind turbines on the grid

After several years of planning and well over a year of…


News IEA Wind TCP

The current annual report of the IEA Wind summarises the…


Winterwind Conference 2021

The "Winterwind" conference has been a fixed date on the…


Generation change at Energiewerkstatt

After more than 30 years of tireless commitment at…

Forschung Research

Project completion research project R.Ice

In the course of the R.Ice research project, the…

Windmessung Wind Measurement

Let winter come

Just in time before the onset of winter, we put the mobile…

Windenergie Wind Energy

AWES Wind Energy Symposium 2020

Update: AWES 2020 on 24 & 25 Nov: with livestream,…

Vereisung Icing

Experimental setup NICE successfully installed

The test set-ups for the NICE research project were…

Due Diligence

Due diligence at one of the largest wind farms in Austria

One of the most powerful wind farms in Austria, the…

Windkraft wind power

Forest fires and lightning protection caused by wind turbines

On behalf of IG Windkraft, Energiewerkstatt has prepared a…

IEA Wind Forschungskooperation IEA Wind research collaboration

News from the IEA Wind

On the initiative of the Federal Ministry for Climate…


Winterwind Conference 2020 in Åre

This year, the Energiewerkstatt again took part in the…

Windkraft Wind Power

Regulars’ table of the IG Windkraft

Once again this year, IG Windkraft organised a summer…

Rotorblattheizung Rotor Blade Heating

Evaluation Vestas rotor blade heating

In order to enable planners and operators of wind turbines…

Windmessung Wind Measurement

First 85-metre wind measurement set up in the Caucasus

The 85-metre mast will be commissioned shortly before the…


Winterwind Conference 2019 in Umeå

This year the Energiewerkstatt was represented with two…

IG Windkraft Branchenplatform

IG Windkraft industry platform

Johann Winkelmeier gave a presentation on wind power…

IEA Wind Forschungskooperation IEA Wind research collaboration

Participation in expert groups of the IEA Wind research cooperation

The BMVIT has commissioned the Energiewerkstatt association…