Wind energy in “complex terrain” – an international publication with the cooperation of the Energiewerkstatt

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October 3, 2023
Energiewerkstatt Publikation Alexander Stoek l

The increasing shift to renewable energy means that more wind turbines will need to be installed and operated onshore as well as offshore. On land, these are increasingly being placed in hilly and mountainous areas, often referred to in the industry as “complex terrain.” These areas can experience complex flows that are difficult to model, as well as cold climatic conditions that can lead to icing of instruments and rotor blades and affect wind turbine operation.

A collaboration of several International Energy Agency Wind Tasks (IEA Wind TCP Tasks) produced a publication outlining research and development needs to improve the economics and feasibility of wind energy in hilly or mountainous regions. On the Energiewerkstatt side, Alexander Stökl contributed the sections on complex terrain and complex flows. The entire publication can be found at: