Energiewerksatt Katharina Tiefenbacher 15 Jahre Dienstjubilaeum

Congratulations and thank you on your service anniversary

The Energiewerkstatt congratulates Katharina Tiefenbacher on 15 years with the…

Energiewerkstatt Skitag Dachstein West

Company ski day at Energiewerkstatt in Dachstein-West

The Energiewerkstatt spent a successful day skiing in the Dachstein-West ski…

Energiewerkstatt Spenden 2025 Windmessmastjpg

Energiewerkstatt shares success and strengthens sustainability

The Energiewerkstatt has been successfully promoting the energy transition for…

Energiewerkstatt Halle Schleedorf Erweiterung Lager und Produktionskapazitaeten

Energiewerkstatt Expands storage and production capacities

The Energiewerkstatt is strengthening its infrastructure with an additional…

Energiewerkstatt Sponsoring OKH Voecklabruck

Sponsorship partnership between Energiewerkstatt and the OKH Vöcklabruck

The association Energiewerkstatt is cooperating on a long-term basis with the…

Energiewerkstatt 85 Meter Rohrgebirgsmasts Steiermark

Energiewerkstatt thanks Windhunter Service for prompt maintenance

The Energiewerkstatt would like to thank its reliable partner Windhunter…

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Congratulations on the 20th anniversary

Thomas Wölfler, one of the two managing directors of Energiewerkstatt, recently…

Energiewerkstatt Beitriebsausflug Schneizlreuth Echt.Posch

Sporty company outing for the Energiewerkstatt

On Friday, September 13, the employees of Energiewerkstatt Heiligenstatt went…

Energiewerkstatt Windmessungen VERBUND AG Muehlviertel Rainbach Gruenbach 120 Meter Windmessmast 1

Energiewerkstatt carries out wind measurement for VERBUND AG in the Mühlviertel region

To date, Energiewerkstatt has carried out over 300 wind measurements in…

Sommerfest Amnesty Friday Plakat

Energiewerkstatt supports Party for Freedom and Future on Friday, July 5

AmnestyYouth Vöcklabruck and Fridays for Future Vöcklabruck invite you to the…