
Availability of LiDAR measurements in alpine terrain

The technical availability of LiDAR measurements is a difficult-to-predict…


Winterwind Conference 2023 in Åre

This year, Energiewerkstatt again participated in the International Winterwind…


IEA Wind meets IG Windkraft

The afternoon of IG Windkraft's biannual industry platform on October 18th was…


New annual report on IEA Wind TCP

The current Austrian annual report on the activities of the IEA Wind Technology…

Eisfallrisiko Ice Fall Risk

International workshop on ice fall risk assessment in Salzburg

On November 4th and 5th, the Energiewerkstatt invited to a workshop on ice fall…

Vereisung Icing

Experimental setup NICE successfully installed

The test set-ups for the NICE research project were installed in time for the…